
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Spring term


We have took part in lots of craft activities this week. We have designed Easter eggs, chicks, bunnies and created cards. We have baked easter cakes and took part in an Easter egg hunt.


On Friday we took part in our whole school Easter bonnet parade, we were invited to design a bonnet art home and parade around the school playground.

Banquet day

This week we had our topic finale dress up day. We all dressed up as a princess, king, queen, knight or dragon and we took part in our EYFS banquet. We played party games and had a banquet in the school hall.


We have been consolidating our learning according to measuring by weight, capacity, length and height. We have practising measuring different materials and we have measured our height to see how tall we are. We ordered ourself into a line and measured ourselves against a height chart.

Art - Mixing

We have been mixing mud and different coloured paint (brown and dull colours) to make the princesses dress dirty. We have explored the different textures we can create when we add more mud or more paint. We have explored mixing different colours to make a new dress for the princess using primary colours.

Our key text is - The Very Smelly Princess


This week we have been acting out key events in the story. We have sequenced the key events in our story ‘Shhh!’ and we have worked together to use construction materials to build a castle for the dragon egg.


We have been comparing objects according to their weight. We have been using balancing scales and exploring different objects. We have been predicting which object will be the ‘heaviest’ and which will be the ‘lightest’.

Sublime Science

On Tuesday we took part in a Science workshop for Science week. We used glue and food colouring to mix our ingredients to make slime. We then added borax to turn it into slime!

Snow fun!

On Friday it snowed! We put on our snow suits and went onto the field to have fun in the snow.

Understanding the world

We have our egg has cracked and hatched! Inside we found a baby dragon who needed looking after. We were careful when we were near the dragon and we helped it to get out of the egg.  

World Book Day

This year we celebrated World Book Day dressed in pyjamas. We all came to school cosy and warm and we shared our favourite book from home at circle time. We took part in the schoolbook swap and chose some new books for home! We took part in lots of activities such as creating stick puppets, colouring bookmarks, using jigsaws and singing nursery rhymes.


We have been learning about number 6. We have been recognising that 6 comes after number 5. We have used concrete objects to count from a larger group and we have been learning how to use a ten frame and show 6.


We have been sharing photographs of different dragons and looking at the features of a dragon. We have used different sized paint brushes to paint the dragons.

Understanding the world

We have been looking at photographs of different castles and exploring how they are the same and how they are different. We have looked at what they look like and talked about if they are big or small.


Our key text is - Shh!


This week we have been consolidating numbers to 5. We have been matching the numeral to quantity and using 1-1 counting correspondence.

Forest Schools - painting

This week we have put on our suits and explored the forest area! We have used a large sheet and painted different colours onto it. We used brushes, sticks and leaves. 

Literacy - Exploring the sensory aspects of the story

We have been learning new vocabulary from the story and a new dragon rhyme. We have been exploring the sensory aspects from the story for example the bubbles and warm soapy water. We have linked these to our own experiences of keeping clean.

Pancake Day

On Tuesday it was pancake day. We explored different style of pancakes, different ingredients that make pancakes and the toppings that you can have. We used finger painting to create our own pancake and used the playdough to make pancakes and toppings. We explored the ingredients then had a go at flipping the pancake. We also tried pancakes with different toppings.

Our key text is - When A Dragon Comes to Stay

This week we have been learning about ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.


This week we have listened carefully to the story and learnt a new rhyme ‘Out jumps troll’. We have learnt new vocabulary and acted out the verbs in the story: trotting, jump, push, eat. We have explored our senses by feeling different temperatures of water and the texture of grass. We have found the nouns in the book and used photographs to support our understanding of a goat, bridge, troll, grass and river. We have linked our own experiences to the Goats in the story by sharing our favourite food.


This week we have been represent number 4 using pictures, cubes and counters. We have used Pete’s coat to represent his buttons and how many there are altogether. We have been showing numbers up to 4 on a 5 frame and matching the quantity to the numeral.


This week we have been learning about things that begin with the ‘g’ sound.

We have been sound talking words beginning with g and blending them together to say the word. blending sounds in our head and saying the word.

Outdoor learning

This week we have been on a cold and frosty walk to our forest area. We explored the signs of Winter.


What has changed?

What is the same?

What can we see?

What does it feel like?

This week we have been learning about ‘The Enormous Turnip’.


Mark making

This week have been developing our skills in the environment and making our own marks. We have been able to say what we have drawn/made a mark.


This week we have been developing our skills in the construction area making different objects, building and building towers.


This week we have been sharing our chatterboxes. We have shared a box with some special items in from home. We have been able to talk about these and share our own experiences of the items in the box and things that are special to us.

Week 1: 4th January 2022


This week we welcomed our new families and children to nursery!

We have also been building new relationships and settling back into nursery. We have been establishing our routines and helping our new friends. We have shared our own experiences of our Christmas half term.


Our topic this half term is Once Upon A Time!


Within this topic we will enquire into:





Our key questions this half term:

Who are your favourite characters in the story?

Who is your favourite character and why?

What do you think might happen next?

How do I feel?
