
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds

The magical kingdom

Our topic this half term is 'The magical kingdom.'


Within this topic we will enquire into: 

  • Castles
  • Medieval characters (knights, dragons, princesses, kings and queens)
  • Spring
  • Easter 
  • Pancake day


Our key questions are:

  • What are the different parts of a castle? How is this different from our school?
  • Who might you find in a castle? What are their jobs? What did they wear? How are they important?


Our Talk 4 Write texts are:

  • The rainbow princess
  • Kassim and the dragon


Texts to share and enjoy:

  • Zog
  • The princess and the wizard
  • George and the dragon
  • There's a unicorn in your book
  • The queens hat


Our core rhymes are:

  • Old king cole
  • Mary, mary quite contrary 
  • Horsie, horsie don't you stop


We will learn the following makaton signs:

  • Palace 
  • Queen
  • Dragon
  • Excited 
  • Angry 
  • Want

Our knowledge organiser
