
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success


In our English lessons, we will be beginning with a descriptive writing unit with a focus on descriptive language and techniques to produce a setting description of a scene taking place during the Blitz.


In the final part of the first half-term, we will then be embarking on a narrative unit, culminating with the children planning and writing their own evacuation stories.


After the two week break, our first English unit will then be a letter home in role as soldiers or other key personnel involved in the ‘little ships’ rescue of the soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk. After that, we will then be applying some similar skills when producing our own diary entries in role as ‘Leo’ who we will learn all about during our visit to Holocaust Centre.


Finally, we will be revisiting our previous learning about Dunkirk when we take on the role of journalists and produce our own newspaper reports based on the evacuation of Dunkirk’s beaches.


Alongside our English learning, we will be deepening our grammatical understanding by revising key SPAG concepts, from a variety of punctuation to word classes and tenses.
