
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Summer term

Google Maps

We located Mansfield on Google Maps and searched places the children had visited like the Odeon cinema, Mansfield Superbowl, Water Meadows leisure centre and Mansfield Town football club. Then we looked at where some of our children live in Mansfield too.


This week we have been exploring ‘fewer and more’. The children explored counting objects and distinguishing which group of objects had fewer or more.


The phoneme we have learnt this week is:


The children have been identifying the initial phonemes in words – jam, jug, jellyfish and orally blending words such as – jog, jig

Mr Gumpy’ Motor Car

In Nursery, we shared the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s motor car’. We described the red car Mr Gumpy drove in the story and named all the animals he took in his car – sheep, calf, chicken, pig, goat. The children sang the wheels on the bus song and explored vehicles in provision.

Forest school

During Forest School this week the children used wax crayons to make tree and leaf rubbings. The children described the textures of the bark and leaves.

Planting cress seeds

Today we had some visitors come into nursery to help the children make potato cress heads. The potatoes were cut ready to use and the children had to scoop the potato out of the top so they could place cotton wool on top. The children sprinkled cress seeds on top of the cotton wool and they then watered the cress seeds. Over the next few weeks the children will be watching the cress grow. The children had a great time!


The phoneme we have learnt this week is:


The children have been identifying the initial phonemes in words – lion, lizard, ladybird, leaf, lips and orally blending words such as – leg, lip


This week we have been exploring positional language. The children have used the vocabulary ‘on’, ‘under’, ‘next to’ and ‘in’.

Rosie's walk

In Nursery, we shared the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’. We described the hen in the story and sequenced the places she visited. The children explored cooked spaghetti in the messy play area, making marks with paint to show the journey the hen travelled and programming B-bots to move along a route.

Physical Thursdays

Today the children took part in lots of gross motor activities while learning in the EYFS playground. They developed their climbing, jumping and running skills. What fun we all had!

Making nests

During Forest School the children used natural materials to build a nest. They all had lots of fun working together to create it!

Making new friends

There have been new children join our nursery setting this week and we have all had fun making new friends.


During the Easter holiday our caterpillars have turned into butterflies. Three butterflies were released outside during this time and the children waited patiently for the final two butterflies on Tuesday morning to be released.


The phoneme we have learnt this week is:


The children have been identifying the initial phonemes in words and orally blending words such as – fan


This week we have been exploring sequencing nursery rhymes and the morning routine we all have when we wake up. We have been using sequencing words such as ‘first, then, next, after’ and ‘finally’.

We all go travelling by

In Nursery, we shared the story ‘We all go travelling by’ and discussed bus journeys the children had been on with their families. The children have been busy exploring a variety of vehicles in provision.
