
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Spring Term 2022


It was great to see so many parents/carers join us for our F2 Easter craft session. We all had lots of fun! Look at our wonderful Easter Bonnets that we made at home. We wore these for the Easter Bonnet parade and shared them with friends and teachers. 

Talk for write

Our key text is 'The Sleepy Bumblebee.' Look at our fantastic story maps! 

Clay minibeasts

We know that clay can be shaped. We used different techniques, such as rolling, squeezing, pulling and joining to create clay minibeasts. When they were dry we painted them. 

Honey on toast

We know that bees make honey. We practised spreading honey onto our toast using a knife. It was delicious! 

Painting minibeasts

We chose colours for a particular purpose and painted minibeasts. 

Forest Friday

We went on a minibeast hunt. We explored the animals in our surrounding natural environment. We used shovels, spades and forks to find worms underground. We looked under logs and found a slug, spider and lots of woodlice! We named and described the animals we saw outside.

Textured bumblebee's 

We practised the spreading technique using glue spreaders. We used different coloured rice to create textured bees. 

Science week -Biscuitology

At the beginning of the week, we asked each child: what is your favourite biscuit? We created a class pictogram to show our results. We sorted the biscuits in different ways. We sorted them into groups based on type of biscuit, colour, shape and if it had cream in the middle. We made predictions and discussed what we thought would happen to a biscuit in water. We investigated and observed what happens to a biscuit when put it in hot and cold water. To make it a fair test we used a 2 minute visual timer on the interactive whiteboard. We found that the pink panther biscuit makes the best dunker. We enjoyed tasting the biscuits at the end of the week! 

Early bird readers

We were pleased to welcome our F2 families back into school this morning for our 'Early bird reader' session. It was lovely to see them sharing a book with their child.

Junk model beanstalks

We sponge painted junk model materials and created beanstalks by attaching leaves. We loved getting messy and building the giants castle in the clouds!


We have been looking after our beans and cress as they grow. We have been discussing the changes we can see. 

Pancake day

We had lots of fun exploring pancake day. We shared the story 'Mr. Wolfs Pancakes.' We weighed the ingredients to create a pancake mixture. We poured it into a pan and heated it on the hob. Miss Pemberton was very good at flipping the pancake. We practised our flipping skills with a dough mixture in the tuff tray. We used our phonic knowledge to write pancake day shopping lists. We choose a topping we would like. We choose from strawberry sauce, syrup orange and sugar. Our pancakes tasted delicious!

The giant!

We choose colours for a purpose and painted pictures of the giant from Jack and the beanstalk.

The giants castle

We used junk model resources to create the giants castle. We used different techniques for joining materials, such as how to use masking tape and glue. 

Jack and the beanstalk

We began our week by discovering a mysterious bag of magic beans! Inside the bag were all sorts of beans from baked beans and broad beans to jellybeans and big brown beans! We explored these beans throughout the week in continuous provision, as well as planting some of them. I wonder if a beanstalk will grow? We will observe growth over time. 

Mark making outside 

We practised big movements for mark making using brushes and soapy water.


We role played what happens in an infant baptism. We dressed our baby in a special gown for our Baptism. We spotted the sign the Vicar made on the Baby’s head and saw that it was a cross which represented Jesus. 

Innovating our class story map

During the innovation stage, the gingerbread man text was changed by substituting the characters so that a new story was created. We changed our maps and retold our new version. 

In Maths, children continued to develop the understanding that all numbers are made up of smaller numbers. We allowed them to explore and notice the different compositions of 4 and 5. For example, 5 can be composed of 1 and 1 and 3, or 3 and 2, or 1 and 4. We encouraged children to subitise (instantly recognise these small quantities without counting). We encouraged children to notice how numbers can be composed of 2 parts or more than 2 parts.

Look at our fantastic mark-making! 

How will the gingerbread man travel on holiday? We drew different types of transport and maps of the gingerbread man's journey 

We had a very important teams meeting. The gingerbread man video called us! We asked him lots of questions: why did you run away? How did it feel being in the oven? Why didn't you swim across the river? Was the fox scary? Where were you hiding in school? It was very exciting! He told us that he is going on holiday. 

We celebrated Chinese New Year.

The fox took our gingerbread men that we baked yesterday. We forgot to put them in a box! This afternoon we have been very busy at forest schools building traps to catch the fox and rescue our gingerbread men!

Our gingerbread men tasted delicious. We baked some extra friends for the gingerbread man. We left them in the classroom. I wonder what will happen next...

We came into school on Thursday morning to find a letter. The gingerbread man left the equipment and ingredients to bake him some friends.

We built traps and left them up over night!

We drew wanted posters to show others what he looks like. We went for a walk around school to search for the gingerbread man. We asked Mrs Bridges, different teachers and children if they had seen him. The children are still looking for him. Have you seen the gingerbread man? 

The gingerbread man is in our classroom!

Still image for this video
When the children arrived at school this morning there was a trail of crumbs. We watched a video of the gingerbread man in our classroom!