
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds

2019 - 2020

Our Head Girl & Head Boy for 2019-20 are:

Lily & Jonah


15th November 2019

Jonah is poorly today so we have Lily and Grace (deputy head girl).  Get well soon Jonah!


The Holocaust centre trip for year 6 is next week. We are looking forward to going, but we know it will be emotional. We will be very respectful.


We would like to wish Miss Parsons a very happy birthday today xx


Grace would like to say a shoutout to Miss Goddard who takes pupils out on sports trips, organises events, and especially for getting us doing speed stacking. Thank You!


Everyone has been doing martial arts for anti-bullying week. The martial arts guys came in again and we learned how to defend ourselves if we ever need to. It was really enjoyable.


Today is Children in Need day. Mrs Middleton came in her Pudsey bear outfit which was awesome. Dinner ladies also wore outfits at lunchtime and everyone looked fab. Also, lots of children wore Pudsey bear ears. We had a book swap event to raise money too.


Yesterday, we were involved with pupil voice. Mrs Green hosted and we invited other schools to participate. We had two teachers and some children from Sutton Road Primary and teachers and children from High Oakham. We discussed how we could make Mansfield a better place. We worked really well together and started to organise a few things. We will let you know our plans at a later date. 


Christmas market is next week. Lily and her mum have a stall selling Christmas crafts & cards. There are also lots of other stalls and events taking place, including Reindeers! We hope you can make it!


We got SATs revision books today. Lots of work coming our way …



11th October 2019

Wow, we have just walked past some children doing Martial Arts. It is a TGI club, 2 children from each class in KS2 have been chosen to do it and it looks like they are really enjoying themselves!


Year 6 have been doing cross country running this week. One of our classmates in Year 6 is representing Mansfield.


All of KS2 are doing Spelling Shed at the moment; this is something that Jonah is really enjoying.


It's been great to see sports leaders setting up games at play & lunchtime breaks. We saw pupils playing a hoop game mixed with Rock, Paper, Scissors which looked really cool!


Superstar Assembly was awesome this week (Lily was a superstar!). We love to see so many parents coming to support their children and it's great to see everyone signing the songs. We think we were a little quiet this week so we'll try harder next time!


The National Space Centre people came to visit us yesterday. Year 5 went into a big Planetarium in the hall. It was BIG!


Our staff shout-out this week is for Miss Payne for being very kind and helpful. Thank You.


Don't forget it's Inset Day next Friday (Jonah had forgotten!) and then two weeks off for half term!


Lily & Jonah



4th October 2019

We had our Circus Theme day yesterday and it was fantastic!


We all dressed up and some of the outfits were brilliant. We had a group of people visit the school to show us tricks and other activities from the circus. Every year group had a time to work with them and everyone it.


We think Miss Parsons had the best outfit amongst the staff but they all looked amazing!


Shout-out to Mr Starr this week. He is one of the best teaching assistants ever. We think he doesn't get recognised enough for all his hard work around school


Lily has noticed that we've been making some changes to our website, but Grace would like to see us add some online activities for Maths & English like we used to have on the old website. We will see what we can do Lily & Grace!


We also had a Macmillan Coffee morning, Lily says "I made some cakes and so did lots of other families. We sold some in the morning and then sold the rest off in the afternoon and after school for 50p"


"Jonah and I went to the Harvest Festival at St Peter & Paul's church with year 1. We sang songs and at the end took all the food to the Altar for a homeless charity."


We had a visit from Ofsted this week too, they came into our classrooms and asked lots of questions and looked in our books and observed our lessons. We hope we did well!


Lily & Grace



19th September 2019

Our theme for this term is the book The Circus Ship and Year 6 have been writing poems and learning more about the book.  Other year groups have been doing PE themed circus activities!


Lily and some helpful friends have volunteered to help our midday staff when serving younger children at lunchtime. "Nicole has ordered us some special pinnies, which we are looking forward to wearing," says Lily.


We have seen Years 4, 5 & 6 doing Tag Rugby in PE this week. We have enjoyed it and it looks like everyone else does too!


Lily & Jonah would also like to say how smart our children look around school at the moment. Our uniform looks fantastic!


"We feel so lucky to have such amazing teachers and staff in our school. We especially think Mrs Garley is really helpful to us all." say Jonah & Lily


School is trying to arrange a trip for Year 6 at the moment - we are really excited about this and are crossing our fingers that this goes ahead
