
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Year 6


Mrs Hodgkin, Mrs Binks and Miss Parsons welcome you to the Y6 class page. This year things are a little different: Mr Vere and Mrs Binks will be covering 6ZP while Miss Parsons is off school and Mrs Hodgkin will be full-time in 6AB/FH. We can't wait to start this new school year and we are really looking forward to seeing you all. We have such an exciting year ahead of us with lots of fun things planned. On this page, you will find all the information you need linked to the curriculum. For more specific information about our termly class topics, click one of the three links below.



PE will be on Thursday afternoons with Mrs Goddard, Mr Jenkins, Mr Vere and Mr Starr this term. Please ensure that you come to school on Wednesdays in their PE kit and that this meets the school requirements (e.g. white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and trainers/plimsolls).

Earrings should also be taken out/left at home on PE days.

Any school clothes should also be clearly labelled, to support us in quickly returning misplaced items to their owner!
