
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Online Safety

Safer Internet Day 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023 took place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

Safer Internet Day 2022 was be celebrated on 8th February with the theme 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'.

The children engaged in a range of activities, some of which are displayed on the link below.

As part of Safer Internet Day 2022, an updated parent support document was sent home. Here are the links that were on the second page of the letter:
‘’ is a comprehensive site covering a range of key topics and themes. The content is current and frequently updated to fall in line with the main online trends.
The website has and support offered has been acknowledged for its depth and ease of use for supporting parents and carers.

Advice on the messaging and video apps that let you send messages, share photos, and make video or voice calls. Information includes: video chatting, Zoom, WhatsApp and others.

Information specifically about gaming and the use of devices for gaming. Here you will find console specific advice and more detailed information about a range of games such as – and not limited to – Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox.

Information about social networking sites and apps, such as Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat Facebook and TikTok. Some of the key information covered includes a summary about the app, some of the risks involved with using them, the required age to use them and advice regarding parental controls and reporting concerns.
‘Internet Matters’ is an app designed to help parents talk about online safety issues with their children, and to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online. Quizzes and games encourage parents and children to collaborate and talk about 9 different e-safety subjects.
Support for parents and carers who have concerns relating to their child’s use of technology, including a range of commonly used articles.

Supported by O2, the NSPCC provide support regarding online use, apps, games and social networks.
Support and advice for keeping your child safe online, covering a range of themes and topics.

Below are resources and links from previous National Internet Safety Days. Although these have passed, the themes and links are still relevant so you may wish to have a look at them.

                                                       Safer Internet Day 2021 - Reliability

The theme of Safer Internet Day 2021 is, 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'.


If your child is in EYFS or Key Stage One, you may wish to read Penguinpig by Stuart Spendlow.

If your child is in Key Stage Two, you may wish to talk about 'misinformation', which is false or inaccurate information (especially that which is deliberately intended to dec
                                                Safer Internet Day 2021

There are recorded discussion videos on your child's Dojo. These can be found on the 'school story' and are to replace the assemblies that would normally take place to celebrate Safer Internet Day.

There is a join video for EYFS and Key Stage One, and a separate video for Key Stage Two. Please watch the video with your child and then discuss the subject matter in a way that you feel is the most appropriate for them and matches your home situation. 

e-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at King Edward Primary School. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any e-Safety incidents are recorded and managed.  e-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the e-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Google - Be Internet Legends. Helping children be safe and confident explorers of the online world




Online safety guides for parents and carers




Kidsmart gives you lots of advice on how to stay safe online




The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre



CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the abuse and exploitation of children in the real and ‘e’ world. Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on the button, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.



