School and governors positively encourage school uniform. The school colours of burgundy, gold and white are available in a variety of garments, including sweatshirts and polo shirts, all bearing the school logo. The school endeavours to make uniform the norm and actively encourages children to wear the school colours and shoes but not trainers. Items of uniform are available with the school logo from the school office, although they may be purchased elsewhere without the logo. The School Wear Centre on West Gate also supply our uniform for parents convenience. Dark Grey or black trousers, dresses and skirts can be worn.
For safety reasons jewellery is not allowed except ear rings. We ask for the cooperation of all parents in supporting this policy. Ear-rings should preferably be small studs and MUST be removed for P.E. lessons. We do expect parents to provide black shorts, white tee shirt, plimsolls or trainers
for PE and suitable attire for games (eg tracksuit) and swimming. Further details are given to the children at the beginning of the school year.