
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success


Children’s chances of succeeding in education and life will be maximised if they develop deep and lasting procedural and conceptual mathematical understanding. Therefore, at King Edward, our aim for our maths curriculum is to provide children opportunities to develop a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. To achieve this we use the mastery approach and follow the Power Maths scheme of work alongside White Rose. Our curriculum is planned to allow time for children to embed new knowledge and build on new concepts in a small step progressive way. Students are encouraged to be confident with mathematics and lessons are planned to allow children to apply their knowledge to reasoning and problem solving activities. This is supported by our calculation policy which provides a framework to ensure an agreed progression of methods throughout the school. Daily maths lessons, including Fluent in 5, Do Nows and times tables, are taught in isolation to ensure progression in mathematical fluency and to embed key concepts. 

________________________________________________________Power Maths



At King Edward, we follow the Power Maths scheme which incorporates all the elements of teaching for Mastery in Maths. 

Nursery Yearly Overview


_______________________________________________________Mastering Number



In Reception and KS1, we are very lucky to be taking part in the Mastering Number programme run by the NCETM. This programme aims to develop pupil's good number sense which will help children achieve in their maths learning. Our Reception children now use this scheme as their Maths lessons.

Mastering Number Video

Still image for this video
Resources and practical equipment play a huge part in the Mastering Number programme and are key to helping children see the maths. The resources aim to enable to pupils to move away from counting as they have such solid number sense. Here is a video showing how the Rekenreks are used. Rekenreks are a key resource in the Mastering Number programme and enable children to see the 5 inside of other numbers.

_______________________________________________________Mastery Approach


At King Edward Primary, the Mastery approach underpins everything we do in Maths. The Mastery approach means that all pupils, at all levels acquire a deep, long-term and secure mathematical understanding. The 5 Big Ideas underpins how Mastery is achieved in Maths and how, at KEPS, we plan to deliver all parts of the 5 Big Ideas in our Maths teaching. The Power Maths structure takes all parts of the 5 Big Ideas into account. 





________________________________________________________Times Tables

Times tables are one of the most important parts of children's maths learning as it underpins so many elements of maths. From year 2 to year 6, children complete times tables tests several times a week ino order to be able to recall these quickly.

Children in Year 4 are tested through the statutory Multiplication Tables Test. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. 

Children have access to Times Table Rock Stars and can play at home and school to practise! Follow the link below to access:  

All children should be practising their times tables several times a week at home to support their Maths in school. 
