
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success


Understanding the World

We have shared family photographs that we have in school. We have been identifying ourself and talking about who is in our family and who we live with. We have looked at other children and their families as well.  

Art and Design

We have followed our learning on by using clay to sculpt. Our teachers have helped us to create our face using clay and a mirror. We have continued to work on our self-portraits but had a go at these independently.  


We have continued to learn about instrumental sounds. We have practiced playing instruments in different ways and begin to learn how to make a simple rhythm for example a bang on the drum and a shake of the maraca.  


We have been sorting objects into colour. We have been using everyday objects such as lego and crayons to sort into colours we have previously learnt. We have been sorting from a larger group.

Understanding the World

We have been learning about what body parts we have. We have used Mr Potato Head to learn about our arms, legs, head, feet and body. We have also been creating faces using loose part materials and using mirrors to support our ideas.

Understanding the World

We have been learning about our senses. We have explored a variety of different sounds in the environment. We have explored objects like walkie talkies and talking tins where we can speak and listen to our own voice back.  

Art and Design

We have explored different skills in the creative area. We have been learning how to paint with different materials for example bubble wrap, cling film and foil.


We have been beginning to match items into groups or pairs. Our teachers have helped us to learn that when something is the same it means it is a match. We have supported out learning by matching socks, shoes and everyday objects.  


We have learnt how to make toast by putting bread in the toaster and waiting patiently and safely for it to cook. We have learnt a new skill of spreading the butter with a knife. It was delicious!

Art and Design

We have explored colours using cotton balls, pegs and paint. We have linked in using our find motor skills by holding different sized paint brushes and pegs to hold the pom poms. We have also been beginning to draw potato people and make our own sense of people through art and drawing.

Topic: Marvellous Me

We have created chatterboxes with items in that are special to us. We have shared photographs of our family and shared our favourite things with our peers.


We have been learning about environment sounds. Our teachers have helped us to listen for 1 minute and say what sounds we can hear. We have been on a listening walk inside and outside and listened to different sounds during the day.


We have been beginning to explore simple colours. We have learnt about blue, red, yellow and green. Our teachers have helped us to sort the objects according to their colour and recognise colours in the environment.  

Understanding the World

We have been learning about our senses. We have explored a variety of different musical instruments and objects that make a sound. We have explored music through our voices, the screen and the CD player. We have been taught simple vocabulary linked to different sounds for example loud and quiet.

Art and Design

We have been exploring our new creative area. We have been using different coloured paints to paint using paintbrushes. We have been exploring different colours using tissue paper, chalks and stamps.

Understanding the World

We have been learning about our senses. We have explored a variety of different materials that we can touch with our hands. We have been taught simple vocabulary linked to different textures for example hard and soft.

Understanding the World

This week we started nursery!

Our teacher showed us around our new classroom and introduced the areas of provision. Throughout the week we have been trying a variety of new activities, resources and exploring our new environment inside and out.

We have been getting to know each other, practicing our turn taking and listening skills. We are building our independence by putting our bags, coats and water bottles away.
