
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds

Life At School


In the 1930’s, boys wore shorts and shirt and girls wore a gymslip and blouse. A blazer was worn if possible (often homemade), with a school badge.

During the 1970’s there doesn’t appear to have been a school uniform as such, but from about 1980 an optional uniform in green and red was specified; no further details are known, but as a tie was available it might be assumed to include a collared (tailored) shirt.

In the 1990’s, the colours changed to red sweater/jumper with white Polo/T-shirts with a logo.

During the Mansfield reorganisation of schools, where many of the former 'first' and 'middle' schools became primary schools, the uniform was updated. The school logo remained largely the same, with a P replacing the F of 'First' school, and now appeared in yellow on a burgundy sweatshirt/cardigan. Children in the Nursery wore a yellow polo shirt with the logo emblazoned in burgundy.



Probably at least up until the Second World War, girls and boys had separate entrances (the ‘Girls’ entrance can still be seen in St Andrew Street), and whilst girls shared a cloakroom with infants, junior boys had their own cloakroom.

Assembly included a moral story. The Lord’s Prayer and Grace were said in class, and there was a Blessing before home.

colours changed to red sweater/jumper with white Polo/T-shirts with a logo


Classes and Curriculum

In the 1920 and 30’s on leaving the ‘nursery’ for the main school, the classes would usually advance through the school with their teacher, “obviating any break in the continuity of their work or comradeship with their teacher.” [Ref: Education Week February 10th to 16th, 1926. Mansfield Education Committee.]

This is obviously quite different to now, where children may have several class teachers over their school career, and see other teachers or teaching assistants during the day for particular subjects or special help.

Classes in both schools were largely mixed except for particular activities. For example, right up until possibly the late 1960’s the curriculum included handicrafts and applied arts for girls (e.g. dressmaking, needlework and cookery), and model making and woodwork for boys.

In fact woodwork, for instance, was practiced to such a level, that in 1930 an oak side table was made by the children and presented to the Mayoress of Mansfield – remember, these children would not be older than 14 at this time!

Given the nature of the local industry, these lessons seem to have been designed specifically as preparation for entry to apprenticeships or other work in hosiery or shoe production, or to one of the trades associated with the railways, the mines, the building industry, foundries etc in the immediate area.

Pottery and other arts and crafts were probably available to both girls and boys, although the school logs particularly notes girls that visited the local Art College, in Carr Bank Park, as prospective students, suggesting that there was some gender differentiation here also.
