
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success


Within our RE lessons, we will be beginning the school year by exploring 'Religion and Community', in terms of getting to grips with the range of religions in the local, national and global community.


After half-term, we will be making links to our ‘WWII’ topic work and exploring the Jewish faith in more depth, in order to support our developing understanding of Judaism and what it would have been like to be Jewish at that time.


This learning will be underpinned by a powerful and thought-provoking visit to the Holocaust Centre in the second part of term, alongside a sensitively taught and age appropriate RE unit linked to the Holocaust which is all taught through the story of ‘Leo’ – a young German Jewish boy who experienced the persecution of the Nazis first-hand.


Within our PSHE lessons and class assemblies, we will be continuing to get to grips with a range of 'Talking Points’, exploring concepts such as puberty, identity, bullying and mental health through honest and open discussions.
