
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Autumn 1 Marvellous me

Our topic this half term is 'Marvellous me!'


Within this topic we will enquire into: 

  • My new class/ starting school
  • Learning King Eds rules and routines
  • Feelings/emotions
  • My special people
  • My body
  • People in our community 


Our key questions are:

  • What makes me, me?
  • What parts does my body have?
  • How have I changed? 
  • Do we always feel the same?
  • Which people are special and why?
  • Who helps us in our community?


Our Talk 4 Write texts are:

  • From head to toe
  • Finding a friend


Texts to share and enjoy:

  • You choose
  • The colour monster goes to school
  • This is me
  • The growing story
  • The great big book of families


Our core rhymes are:

  • I've got a body
  • If you're happy and you know it
  • Clap, clap hands


We will learn the following makaton signs:

  • Dinners/ sandwiches
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon 
  • Family
  • Friend
  • Finished 


Our knowledge organiser
