Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl here (John and Poppy) - it's been a while since we posted as we've been so busy over the past few weeks!
Before the holidays, we had the spooky disco which was amazing as it's the first school disco that we've been able to have for ages with the COVID situation! The costumes were brilliant (not too scary for the younger children though) and we all had a fabulous time. The children in Miss Parsons' class visited the library in the last week too - Mrs Hodgkin's class are off there tomorrow afternoon. We really loved it when we went, as we absolutely love books in our class and there were so many to choose from!
Today has been really exciting as it's been our maths theme day focused on jobs involving measures. There have been chefs, accountants, mechanics, vets, and an enormous collection of other jobs represented today and we've had a fabulous time taking part in lots of practical and hands-on maths activities linked to measures.
Next Friday is Children in Need Day and we have a special TT Rockstars day planned. School Council are working on getting it all sorted and are also excited as their 'How to draw...' lunchtime club starts next week. We'll let you know how we get on!
Thanks for reading,
John and Poppy
Hi everyone,
It's been another busy few weeks in Y6 (as it always seems to be) so we have a lot to update you on! In terms of our lessons, we've just finished our dragon life-cycle explanation texts, which we're extremely proud of and today was our first lesson in our new poetry unit. It all links to our science work surrounding adaptation and evolution and we're looking forward to getting cracking with it. In maths, we've left place value behind now and are working on calculation. We were so good at adding and subtracting decimals yesterday that instead of practising it more today we moved on to column multiplication - hopefully all of this progress will start to show in our fortnightly arithmetic tests!
Last Friday was a special day, as the whole school took part in the Race for Life. After running around the field for 5 minutes without stopping (walking if needed) we were all awarded medals and were also able to raise some money for a very good cause! We had our first School Council meeting last week and Miss Parsons is already thrilled with her new 'Comms (short for 'communication') Team' - we're a great bunch and have so many exciting ideas already. These include: a YMCA-inspired video encouraging parents to join the HSA; a special Times Tables Rockstars-themed Children in Need day; a whole school 'book swap' event later on in the year; and even a School Council-run stall at the Christmas Fayre!
We'll be meeting again over the next couple of days to set our first class meeting question and decide on roles and responsibilities. We'll let you know how we get on!
The 'Heads' team!
Hello everyone!
It's been a busy couple of weeks getting settled in Y6. We had Head Boy and Girl elections last week - an amazing 27 children ran, which was brilliant! Once the votes were counted, it was revealed that:
Head Girl = Paige
Head Boy = John
Deputy Head Girl = Poppy
Deputy Head Boy =Elliott
Here writing today are John and Poppy (as Paige is not here).
So far, we've been really enjoying our time in Y6 and have done lots of exciting things. In particular, we've done lots art! We've made a fantastic start with our sketchbooks and explored the illustrations of Jackie Morris and the Galapagos-themed art of Mary Ellen Taylor. Last week, we even had a puppet-making expert (named Marcus Clarke) come in and help everyone from Y1-Y6 to make dragon puppets!
We've also been doing lots of work in English towards our dragon life-cycles and are excited that we'll be writing them up next week - we'll let you know how they turn out. We'll also update you on our first School Council meeting, which will be taking place next week.
We'll write again soon,
Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl