
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

2018 - 2019

School Year 2018-19

Tuesday 14th May 2019

This week has been busy for those of us in Y6 as it's been SATs week.  So far, we've done the ESPG papers (yesterday) and the reading paper today.  Whilst parts of them have been tricky, we've really impressed Miss Parsons, Mrs Daniels, Mrs Bridges and all the other adults with our fantastic attitudes to learning and the way that we have persevered.


We're looking forward to the end of the week, when we're finally going to find out what our end of year performance is and are going to get to audition too!  We're also looking forward to tomorrow and Thursday - a chance to show off all the maths that we've learnt over the past few years, especially within that arithmetic test!


Elsewhere in school, Y2 have been getting started with some of their own 'challenges' and are working very hard too. We've all been enjoying the lovely weather - and fact that it's finally stopped raining - too and have been able to get out on the field every day, which has been great!


That's all for now,

Head Boy and Head Girl


Wednesday 13/02/2019

This week we have had many visitors from our local area coming to visit our school.  For example, on Tuesday, a member of the government came to our school to speak about the Houses of Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords).


A few of our best swimmers from King Eds were selected to go to a swimming gala, which took place at the Rebecca Adlington Swimming Centre and came third, which is an excellent achievement.


On Wednesday, we had Liz Thomas (from St Peter and Paul church) who came to speak to us about friendship.


As most parents may already know, this week teachers have been busy with Parents Evening appointments, to share the impressive work that the children have been producing in class.


Last but not least, Year 6 have finished their mock SATs tests and the staff members are really pleased with how they got on.


We are looking forward to half-term break. Please make sure to stay safe! 


Kind regards, 

Head Boy and Head Girl


Friday 08/02/2019

We have had a busy week in school with a lot of activities happening...


We celebrated Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and had a special assembly delivered by Mrs Green which made us more aware of how best to stay safe on the internet.


On Tuesday, we also had visitors in school from the Air Ambulance service. We found out more about what the Air Ambulance Service does, which was incredibly interesting.  We really appreciate what the staff who work for them do on a daily basis!


On Thursday and Friday, we had balance bikes in the hall! It was a fantastic opportunity for F2 children to learn how to ride a bike safely and to have a fantastic time too, of course.

In Year 6, we had mock SATs tests to help us to be better prepared for the real SAT tests in the summer.


We have a lot of fun in our school and understand that a lot hard work goes in to learn and achieve well.


Kind Regards,

Head Boy and Head Girl
