
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds


Last week of Autumn term- Week 7

Holiday festivities!


This week we are having our Christmas party and we may be having a certain visitor coming to see us on Friday! How exciting!


In provision, we are looking at some of our spring objectives as a pre teach. 


Topic- R.E. Jewish place of worship, Christian place of worship.

Science- Features associated with winter. 

Writing- writing for different purposes/audiences- Cards to family.

Construction- Maps of our school. Maps tell us where to go. 

Week 7 provision

Week commencing- 9th December 2024

Nativity Week!


This week it is our nativity performance! So we have a large R.E focus within our timetable.




In provision we are looking at the following objectives and topics:


  • Science- features associated with each season (Autumn and Winter)
  • Topic enquiry- Inside of a synagogue 
  • Art and design- sketching our school building using pencils
  • Fine motor- creating a wreath using scissors to cut leaf shapes. 
  • Writing- targets for the new year, continuing our Edgar writing using our vocabulary words
  • Maths- recapping our subtraction skills.

Week 6- Provision in action

Week commencing: 2nd December 2024


This week we are looking at the following objectives in provision. 

Art and Design: Using scissors skills, tracing shape to create a star headband for our nativity play. 

Topic Enquiry: R.E- The Christmas Story.


Construction- Geography building human features. 

Writing- inferences, how are the characters from Excitable Edgar feeling? 

Maths- shape patterns and characteristics. 

Science Enquiry: Recap on Evergreen and Deciduous trees. 

This week’s provision! Week 5!

Week commencing- 25th November 2024



This week we have been looking at identifying different characteristics of emotions, recapping our sculpture skills in Art, using our inference skills in writing to write sentences about how the characters feel, and using scissors to create a menorah for the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. 

This week's provision

Week 3 - 18th November 2024 


This week in provision we are focusing on Science, labelling parts of animals. Thinking about how the tempo of music can affect our mood and creating a portrait of our significant figure- King Edward VII. 

This weeks provision in action.


Week 2- 11th November 2024


This week is Anti-Bullying Week

We are focusing on choose respect this week in class.



Our provision activities are based around kindness and improving friendships by showing respect for others. 


In provision we are: Creating online safety kindness posters, using scissor skills to create a kindness tree, and creating a friendship heart in Art & Design.


Odd Socks Day- Tuesday 12th November 2024



A warm welcome back to Willow and Maple class!


The week commencing the 4th November 2024:

This week we are focusing on the following objectives in continuous provision:


Science- Predicting what foods different animals may eat? In order to prepare us for studying carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.


Maths- Solidifying number bonds and number facts.


Writing- Cross curricular learning with Computing, using iPads to create digital art and write labels.


Art and design- focus on axels, creating a bike out of pipes and cogs.


Fine motor- patterns using peg boards- can you create the farm animal on the picture? Linking to our Science topic of animals including humans. 

Zones of regulation- Working on identifying our emotions

Science- food groups of common animals

Week commencing 14th October 2024


Last week of Aut 1!

This week we have a variety of provision planned for the children in Willow and Maple class! 


Our areas are as follows:


Construction- Old and New structures, inspired by our school building and how it has changed over time.

Writing- Weather diaries inspired by our learning in Geography.

Maths- Number bonds to 10, rainbow challenge!

Fine motor- HELP! Our animals are stuck in the mud! can you help us rescue them by using the tweezers?

Art and design- Creating our final Andy Goldsworthy sculptures and evaluating them.

Science- Grouping our animals, help us find their homes! Zoo, Farm, Sea? you tell me!

We walked around school to observe the old and new changes to our buildings

Our continuous provision in action!

Learning through continuous provision

Week commencing-7th October 2024

This week in provision we are looking at:


English- Story maps, basic sentence writing.

Science- Classifying animals into groups ie. mammals, fish, reptiles.

Art- Sketching wild animals- focusing on observing different patterns, giraffe print, zebra stripes, cheetah print. 

Reading for pleasure area with a new choice of books each week.


Junk modelling is available every week for the children to build and create imaginatively. 


Construction is available each week with a stimulus of creating a school building, like ours, which we have been learning about in our This is our town History unit. 

Mental Health Day 2024- Wear Yellow! 10th October 2024

Building structures in our community- a church

Classifying animals into their groups

Building our school- King Edward Primary School- built in 1903.

Our construction area- we are working on implementing new ideas to this area over time to create a zone for curiosity and originality, to further the learning within our humanities subjects.

Week Commencing 30th September 2024

Art- Exploring shape and form. 


We have experimented with constructing a sculpture using a range of natural materials to show our ideas.

Parts of the Body

We have been investigating parts of the body, labelling them up ourselves!

Science- Different Types of Trees


This week we are looking at deciduous and evergreen trees. The children have used chalk and pastel crayons to sketch these in provision. 


In provision this week we are looking at part part whole models, as this is our unit in Power Maths.

Week commencing- 23rd September 2024

Seasons- The start of Autumn. 


In Science, we have started to look at seasonal change, we explored the trees within our school grounds and noticed the leaves are starting to change from green to orange, yellow and brown. Some have also fallen from the branches. 


We really enjoyed collecting the leaves to explore, compare and even throw up in the air and watch them cascade to the ground.

D.T- Den Building


In D.T, we have been exploring joining materials by using tarpaulin and clips to create a magical den in the woodlands of our school. We explored attaching the clips to branches and using natural materials to help create our shelter. 

Art- Manipulating clay, plasticine and dough


We have been immersing ourselves in the world of Andy Goldsworthy. Creating sculptures and exploring how we can use tools to manipulate the shape, size and look of clay, plasticine and playdough.

R.E- The Good Samaritan


We have been learning about Christian stories for caring for others and how we can show kindness in school.

Acting out The Good Samaritan
