
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Routine and organisation

School Day

The children will be able to enter the school building at 8.40am, making their way into Foundation via the classroom door. Attendance and punctuality are very important so please arrive at school on time. 


A day in the unit

Doors open -8:40

Register and lunch choices -8:45-8:55

Wake and shake

Phonics -9:00-9:20

Active learning -9:20-10:00

Reading practice session/story, class calendar, days of the week and weather song (from week 4) -10:00-10:30

Snack time -10:30-10:40

Active learning -10:40-11:20

Maths -11:20-11:40

Lunchtime 11:45-1:00

Register -1:00-1:05

Wake and shake

Afternoon session (Literacy/ music/ R.E) -1:10-1:30

Active learning -1:30-2:50

Story time and singing -2:50-3:05

Home time -3:15


Book Packs

Please ensure that your child brings their reading pack to school everyday. We advise reading at least 3 times a week at home. 


Water Bottles

Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle with them. This must only be filled with water and not juice/ cordial. We are a Healthy School and encourage children to make healthy lifestyle choices. 


Class dojo

Hopefully you should all now be connected to Class Dojo. This is used to communicate with you about your child’s achievements and to pass messages on. We will only reply to messages during working hours.


Outdoor Learning (Forest Friday)

We are committed to providing enriching outdoor learning experiences to enhance our Foundation Stage curriculum provision. Please provide your child with a pair of wellies labelled with their name. Outdoor learning will take place on a Friday. Children’s wellies can stay in school and do not need to be taken home unless needed.



Please could you make sure your child has a PE kit in school every _____ -this should have each item labelled with your child's name on as it makes it easier for us to return missing items! The PE kit should consist of black shorts/joggers, white t-shirt and plimsolls or trainers. 
