
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success


Homework Key information

Homework is given out and marked with the class – providing whole class feedback collectively - each Thursday. When other events, such as school trips, coincide with this day, the children will be informed of alternative arrangements.

Optional homework:
Please see the attached document (at the bottom of this page) for suggested ways in which the children can further engage with their class topic at home. Should your child complete any of the suggested activities – or similar activities of their own choosing – at home, we invite them to share their learning with their class teacher, and the other members of their class if they wish.

Weekly homework expectations

Reading at home:

Children are asked to read their reading books with their parents on a regular basis. The children are encouraged to read 3+ times a week. This should be recorded in the reading record. The reading book and record should be brought into school every day.


Maths and English homework:

Children are set one piece of homework a week which should take a maximum of 30 minutes to complete. The task set will alternate between maths and English.


Times Table Rockstars:

Children are set regular times tables practise through Times Table Rockstars and they are expected to complete 15 minutes per week. In line with the mastery maths approach, children will be set times tables linked to their year group but may also be set ‘catch up’ times tables linked to previous year groups.

Y5: Review of all times tables up to 12x12.

AutumnTerm - Ancient Egypt - Optional Homework
