
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Autumn term

Autumn 1 -Marvellous me

Maths -Subitising

We looked closely at small quantities and observed whether the quantity has changed or only the arrangement. 

Expressive arts and design -using thin brushes 

We've been exploring thin brushes. At the beginning of the week we covered the table with paper and practised painting inside the big squares. We then progressed onto painting A3 and then A4 individual squares. We maintained focus on our activity for a period of time.

Physical development -stretchy bands

We've been developing our fine motor skills by stretching the bands onto the geoboard.

Expressive arts and design -being imaginative 

We've been recreating experiences that are familiar to us in the home corner. We've become Mum, Dad, a baby, an older sibling and a pet. We've helped wash and cook, as well as eating together, feeding or dressing the baby. 


Understanding the world -potion play

This week we explored our sense: smell. We made scented potions by adding different smelling ingredients to water. We've been using different shaped bottles, in a range of sizes, to create our own concoctions!  We practised using different skills such as mixing, stirring and pouring.


Maths -Subitising 

We quantified sets of objects by subitising, rather than counting. We can say how many there are in a small group of objects by 'just seeing' and knowing straightaway without needing to count.


PSED -Do we always feel the same?

We've been reading stories and spending time exploring the pictures and discussing what we notice. We talked about similarities and differences and shared what makes us happy or sad. We created our own natural art faces. We explored how to shape and arrange the materials to create faces showing different emotions. 

Understanding the world -What parts does my body have? 

Our teacher set up a doctor's surgery role play, including plenty of bandages. The patient's had to explain which part of their body they had injured. 

Understanding the world -Which people are special?

We commented on photographs of our family, naming who we can see and what relation they are to us. 

Literacy -Reading for pleasure

We've enjoyed sharing and telling stories with our friends in the reading area. 

Literacy -Marvellous mark making 

We've been using a variety of tools to make marks. We're beginning to give meaning to the marks that we make. 

Expressive arts and design -Look at our amazing buildings 

We've been constructing with a purpose, using a variety of resources.

Understanding the world -I can hear with my ear

This week we explored our sense: hear. We explored a collection of instruments and talked about whether they make quiet or loud sounds. We used junk model materials to create our own instruments. 

Understanding the world -What makes me special?

At home, our parents helped us to create an ‘all about me chatterbox.’ At school we shared our chatterboxes with our new class and talked about our special interests and previous experiences.

This week we started school!

Our teacher showed us around our new classroom and introduced the areas of provision. Throughout the week we have been trying a variety of new activities, resources and exploring our new environment inside and out. We have been getting to know each other, practicing our turn taking and listening skills. We are building our independence by putting our bags, coats, water bottles and lunch boxes away.
