This term, our foundation subject learning will all be based around the topic of 'Survival of the Fittest'.
Within it, we will begin by learning all about the science behind evolution and inheritance with an emphasis on Charles Darwin’s voyage on The Beagle and his findings over this period. Within this work, we will learn about the incredible Galapagos Islands, whilst familiarising ourselves with the style of Mary Ellen Taylor, who combines watercolour painting and sketching to create images of plants and animals from the Galapagos within our art lessons.
Additionally, we will be exploring a range of biomes around the world (including the Antarctic through the expeditions of Ernest Shackleton) and developing our understanding of living things and their habitats, including exploring how animals are adapted to suit their environment and classifying animals and grouping species based upon their characteristics.
Along the way, we will also explore the lives of other key researchers and scientists including Mary Anning and David Attenborough.