
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds

Mission, Vision and Values Statement

Inspiring Hearts, Shaping Minds...


Our mission is to create a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where every child is at the heart of all we do and where their needs are met. We are committed to providing aspirational high quality education, fostering strong relationships, and offering opportunities for our children to grow. We aim to develop well rounded individuals who are compassionate, courageous, confident, curious, and community minded.



At our school, we envision a community that feels like family, where everyone helps each other, and kindness is our cornerstone. Our dedicated team of staff is approachable, supportive, and goes above and beyond to ensure that every child feels valued and cared for. We strive to provide:

  • Nurture and Care: Prioritise the well-being of our children, ensuring they feel safe, supported, and valued.
  • A love of learning: Provide children opportunities to be excited about learning and understand themselves in the learning process.  Promote creativity and innovation in learning.
  • Ambition: Children have high aspirations beyond school.
  • Effective teaching: Ensure high-quality, consistent teaching practices across all subjects.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Provide enriching experiences through visits, trips, residentials, and a robust sporting program.
  • Inclusion and Diversity: Celebrate difference and  include all children in our school community.
  • Strong Relationships: Foster positive, collaborative relationships with families and children, creating a supportive school community.
  • Positive Work Environment: Maintain a positive and supportive work environment where staff feel recognised and balanced in their professional and personal lives.




Our values are centred around the 5Cs – Character Virtues of Compassion, Courage, Confidence, Curiosity, and Community. These values guide our actions and decisions, ensuring we create a positive and inclusive school culture.

  • Compassion: We show kindness, care and empathy towards others, understanding and supporting their needs.
  • Courage: We encourage our students and staff to take risks, face challenges, and stand up for what is right. This includes honesty and integrity.
  • Confidence: We build pride, self-belief, perseverance and resilience, helping everyone to achieve their best. We know effort and ambition are important to success.
  • Curiosity: We foster a love of learning, encouraging inquisitiveness and a desire to explore and understand the world.
  • Community: We work together as citizens of the world, valuing each member of our school community and celebrating our diversity.


By embracing our mission, vision, and values, we aim to create a school where every child thrives, every staff member feels valued, and our community grows stronger together

