
King Edward Primary School and Nursery Excitement + Determination = Success

Autumn - Into the woods

Autumn Term

Into the Woods


Our first topic this year is ‘Into the woods’.


In Science, children will explore the seasons within the UK, looking at the weather patterns during these different times of the year.  They will also learn about animals, including humans – they will learn about different common animals, be able to identify if they are carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores, be able to describe and compare the structures of common animals, as well as identifying our five senses, and the body part associated with that sense.


In History we will be learning all about Robin Hood, and Sherwood Forest.


In Art we will be studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy, and his sculptures which he makes out of natural materials.


In Music we will be studying the composer, Benjamin Britten.



Knowledge Organiser
